Definition: a vital, basic, decisive, or pivotal point
Synonyms: essential, core, critical
1. Nothing happens independent of the mindset you bring to it.
2. The quality of your input primes the quality of your output.
3. Train your mind by design, not default.
What does CRUX do?
Nothing happens independent of a mindset; the quality of everything you do is determined by the quality of the mindset you bring to it. At Crux, our goal is to help individuals increase their confidence by more consistently getting to a place where they can Think Clearly and Move Freely - this is where the best of our ability shows up most often through the education and application of effective skills, strategies, and systems that put you in the best position to succeed.
Topics we cover include, but are not limited to improving:
…and much more!
Meet The Founder: Stephanie Hale-Burkhart
Sports have always served an important role in my life and have strongly influenced my story - full of lessons and meaningful experiences that have guided me through various chapters of my life. Through those experiences as an athlete, a coach, and now as a professional in the field of Sport and Performance Psychology (SPP), sport has taught me more about who I am, what I value, and how to use my understanding of myself to get the most out anything I do. I have sport to thank for providing an avenue that allowed me to discover my meaning and purpose, as well as connect with others discovering theirs.
I am committed and confident in my ability to equip others with a dynamic mindset that allows them to a) be who they want to be and b) get where they want to go. My confidence comes from the experiences I’ve been fortunate enough to have, my desire to continue learning and refining my craft, and because I know you already have what you need to succeed - you. The key is taking ownership of the mentality that will allow you to believe and achieve it. Let’s get to work!